our 7th grade
   web Page

Please Be Patient Some Of The Pictures

Are Slow, But They Are Worth The Wait!

    Hi, my name is Ms. Van Sickle.  I teach 7th grade Science at Gray Middle School in Tacoma, Washington.  I created this web page to help enhance my 7th grade students interest in the area of Science.  

    Our world is full of many wonderful things, many of these items we take for granted without a second thought. Just imagine what the world would be like without the benefits of science. I'm not talking about the big things, like space exploration or particle matter that most of us don't actually get to play with.  I'm talking about day-to-day activities.  Where would you be??........ Without Air Conditioning? Toothpaste? Television? Cars? Flight? Well, you'd probably be hot, toothless, bored and walking.  So, I say! "Three cheers for science!"

Any of my students who wish to earn extra credit, by writing a short one page summary of their area of interest or write up a science project on an area where they have performed research.  They also can do this by going to Favorite Places,, or other web pages for more ideas.  I encourage science exploration outside of class as well as inside the classroom.  

  If you have any question feel free to e-mail me.